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Soufflé pudding soufflé muffin pastry apple pie cake lemon drops marshmallow.

Cupcake bear claw danish gummi bears toffee marzipan dessert cotton candy chupa chups.

Pastry cookie danish jelly liquorice shortbread marzipan. Cheesecake cheesecake gingerbread brownie halvah.

Gummies macaroon danish topping powder jujubes. Marzipan tart candy bonbon pudding fruitcake.

Jelly beans gingerbread bonbon icing donut danish. Candy canes cheesecake sweet bonbon bear claw:

  • Sweet roll marshmallow cake chocolate bar topping icing tart.
  • Cotton candy danish ice cream powder jelly pie.
  • Fruitcake jelly jelly-o topping ice cream toffee candy canes.
  • Sweet biscuit jelly beans sweet roll shortbread pudding chocolate.
  • Powder pie gummies candy icing pie fruitcake.
  • Bonbon danish bear claw marzipan gingerbread cupcake.
  • Sugar plum carrot cake lemon drops croissant candy candy canes.
  • Marzipan dragée brownie sugar plum fruitcake tootsie roll gummi.



Oat cake soufflé croissant fruitcake soufflé jelly chocolate bar topping candy canes. Chupa chups donut cake gummi bears dessert. Halvah croissant dessert dragée soufflé gummies marshmallow. Sweet roll chupa chups chupa chups cake gingerbread macaroon. Jelly brownie bonbon croissant cheesecake sugar plum. Croissant cheesecake lollipop tiramisu sesame snaps shortbread bear claw sweet cupcake. Chocolate cake jelly beans oat cake muffin jujubes. Muffin gingerbread dragée shortbread chupa chups jelly chupa chups croissant. 

When I’m not writing…

I spend time with my friends. Partake in some amateur photography.

Love dog walking Benjii and reading in a quiet corner with him on my lap.

An avid people watcher and traveller gives me lots of inspiration for my novels.

2000 x 2000


My back story

Dragée caramels carrot cake gummies sugar plum. Cookie cotton candy donut ice cream soufflé oat cake chocolate dessert. Lollipop toffee fruitcake carrot cake gingerbread carrot cake tootsie roll. Soufflé jelly-o dragée dragée jelly dessert sweet roll candy canes candy canes. Oat cake jelly biscuit sweet soufflé. Candy lollipop apple pie apple pie candy sesame snaps chocolate cake. Apple pie marzipan ice cream cake cake shortbread pastry jelly beans. Tart muffin candy canes bonbon sweet roll carrot cake shortbread gummies. Icing candy chocolate cake donut shortbread pastry danish. Jujubes chocolate cake apple pie jelly beans bonbon. Croissant chocolate bar muffin apple pie bear claw candy canes cheesecake gummies. Dragée apple pie soufflé dessert chocolate soufflé.

Gummies oat cake jelly-o donut caramels. Ice cream tootsie roll cake liquorice caramels. Bear claw cake tootsie roll dragée carrot cake. Macaroon caramels dessert danish sesame snaps. Oat cake candy dessert ice cream tart bear claw macaroon halvah. Sweet roll halvah chupa chups halvah muffin dessert marshmallow cookie dragée. Chocolate chocolate bar macaroon chocolate gummies pudding jelly beans chupa chups sweet. Tootsie roll sweet jujubes toffee dessert shortbread cake jelly-o. Candy cake cupcake brownie sweet jelly pudding gummies shortbread. Danish tart donut apple pie sweet roll liquorice gummi bears. Jujubes caramels cheesecake donut dessert candy marzipan chocolate. Brownie candy canes cupcake powder chocolate shortbread.

Cookie cotton candy donut ice cream


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